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Absinthe Cocktail: La Folie Verte

Rezepte mit Absinth

Absinth Cocktail Rezept Abtshof Magdeburg


  • 3cl absinthe 66
  • 2cl Giffard Fleur de Sureau Sauvage
  • 1.5 cl Giffard cucumber syrup
  • 1.5cl fresh lemon syrup
  • 8 mint leaves
  • 1 lemon zest


Muddle the mint leaves with the lemon juice, then add the remaining ingredients (except for the lemon zest), shake everything together and double strain into the cocktail bowl.


Lemon zest and a small sprig of mint

Cocktail creation:

Jeremias Walter | barkeeper 

Öschberghof | Donaueschingen

Image by Andreas Muck

-> Here you can find our absinthe products


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